Don't ignore a bum wrist! Get help!
Common Issues That Can Occur In Wrists
There are a number of common problems that can occur in a person’s wrists; for example, arthritis (degenerative, rheumatoid, lupus, gout). A simple fall on the wrist can tear a ligament, the triangular fibrocartilage (TFCC), or break 1 of 10 or more bones (eight specifically within the wrist, end of the radius and the ulna bones of the forearm, or the metacarpals just beyond the wrist).
Wrist Clots and Wrist Pressure
The main artery to the wrist can clot from using the hand to pound on things especially if you are a smoker (hypothenar hammer syndrome) and small clots can drift off from this to the fingertips causing little ulcers and extreme pain. Pressure on the median nerve at the wrist can result in carpal tunnel syndrome and can cause pain, numbness, tingling, clumsiness or other symptoms while pressure on the ulnar nerve on the small finger side of the wrist results in ulnar tunnel syndrome causing pain, numbness in the small and ring finger side of the hand, and weakness.
Preiser’s Syndrome
Loss of blood supply to the main bone in the wrist (scaphoid) comprises Preiser’s syndrome, a painful situation on the thumb side of the wrist. Loss of blood supply to the lunate on the small finger side of the wrist results in pain from Kienböck’s “disease”, and the most common bone of the wrist to be broken is the scaphoid which is often times hard to confirm in the first three weeks of breaking it.
On the top side of the wrist, ganglion can protrude and pinch the posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) resulting in local pain in the top, not numbness which is more likely a nerve problem. The list goes on and on.

We Can Eliminate Your Pain
With minimally invasive techniques and over 30 years of practicing arthroscopic procedures, Dr. Ichtertz has a great track record for eliminating pain and suffering. Nebraska Hand & Shoulder Institute, P.C.’s specialties include hand, wrist and elbow pain, rotator cuff and carpal tunnel surgery and solutions. Recovery time is quick and patients can return to work the day of, or after treatment. Our goal is to prevent and eliminate painful or hindering conditions while providing you with the best services for your unique condition and your lifestyle. For further information, we encourage you to reach out to us with the contact link listed below.
Contact us for an evaluation which may include x-ray, nerve conduction study, and measurement of grip and pinch, etc. At Nebraska Hand & Shoulder, our expert team will help you identify and solve your problem with our solutions.